Had fun??! "LIKE" my FB page and let me know: http://ow.ly/eCmMq
Guests of Katherine and Corey's Rigaud, Quebec wedding at Sucrerie de la Montagne were surprised and had fun by getting their photos taken at the KOOL Photo Booth again and again.....aaannnd again! It's addictive, it's fun, and it causes contagious laughter! Best of all, they were able to take home a printed photo in seconds. Here are some of the photos so you can see for yourself. ;)
If you would like a copy of your Photo(s), use the grey slide bar of the right and scroll down this current page and click on the corresponding link and it will bring you to another site with a bunch of thumbnails. There are many photos, please be patient while all the photos load. Scroll down to load more photos! Once you see the thumbnails, you can then download the photo individually by clicking on the "download arrow" symbol at the bottom right of each photo. Right clicking and saving is not recommended.
Download Individual High Resolution photos. CLICK HERE Use the "download arrow", at the bottom right of each photo. SPECIAL GIFT for y'all! If you scroll ALLLLL the way until the end of ALLLLL the photos, you'll see a surprise for you! I animated your KOOL Photo Booth photos! ;) There's a Video file for you and you can download that too!
Any usage of the Digital Images online or print media (i.e. Facebook, newspapers, magazines, etc) must include photo credit of
Please note, due to limited storage space I will keep the photos active and online for a minimum of 4 weeks (Nov 6, 2016). If space permits or there is a special request, I will keep it active as long as possible, however be aware it may be taken offline at anytime after 4 weeks. Thank you for your understanding.
Enjoy! John